Thursday, September 18, 2014

Haiku - "Train"

Back to Haiku after a long time!! This Haiku is inspired by the prompt at Haiku Horizons.

Wheels screech,time to leave
Memories flash, come alive
Like Leaves during fall

Out he runs, Train halts
Candy, juice and toy in hand,
Dad,Tears turn to joy

The first Haiku puts forth a scene where a person is reminded of something and his memories take him back in time as the train leaves. 

The second Haiku is inspired by some events during my childhood. I remember travelling with my parents to Chennai every summer. My dad would run to the door as the train halted at every station. This would make me scared and I would start crying my lungs out wondering if he would return on time. And each time he would return with a candy or toffee in his hand :)

I am a Write Tribe ProBlogger with a commitment to myself to write as frequently as I can starting from the month of September. 

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  1. I liked the footnote about your dad for the second haiku. So touching :)

  2. I liked both of them....could feel the emotions hidden in it....good work :)

    1. Thanks Sushree. Glad the haiku served its purpose

  3. Love your Haiku Cynthia. I appreciated the commentary note below to further enrichen the poem. :) <3

  4. Love your Haiku Cynthia. I appreciated the commentary note below to further enrichen the poem. :) <3

  5. Lovely. Thank you for sharing, both the haiku and the story behind them.

  6. I liked both though the second one tugged at my heart a bit more :)

  7. Touching memory! The image of falling leaves as symbolic of memories is quite beautifully conceived.

  8. Aww that's so sweet Cynthia - that anecdote about your father.
