Friday, September 19, 2014

Five Sentence Fiction - Grief

A five sentence fiction inspired by the prompt
Lillie McFerrin Writes

"The mad woman", that's what the passersby called her. 

I saw her standing at the same place every morning on my way to work; shabby and tattered, she stood with a small white basket.

She would dance on the road, obstruct traffic, make some noise so that someone would look at her, have pity on her and drop a penny.

It so happened that on one such day, she stopped me; I dropped a few coins in her basket.

She smiled back and said, "God bless you", but all I could see behind that smile in her face, was "Grief".

I am a Write Tribe ProBlogger with a commitment to myself to write as frequently as I can.

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  1. A very emotional story. I don't know if you do a lot of posting on FSF, but please come back again!

    1. This is the first time I tried an FSF. Going to try it the next week too. Thanks a lot.

  2. One never knows the reason behind what one acts on and or what their story is. Profound! :)

  3. So hard to know what a person is actually feeling no?

  4. Very sad. In so few words, so much emotion is depicted.

  5. Cynthia, I can see this as being so realistic as I think of the area near and around my workplace. So sad... <3

  6. Tough life. Imagine her having to put up a face day after day to survive. Nice, Cynthia!

  7. The true emotion can only be seen if one knows how to read the language of the eyes. Nicely done, Cynthia.

  8. Such strong emotion portrayed with so few sentences. Well done!
