As we celebrated the World Gratitude day yesterday, I wanted
to write a post on what gratitude means to me.
Gratitude is Great-Attitude!!
I would wrap up my entire ideology of gratitude in this
single sentence of 4 words. Yes! That’s what gratitude means to me. Gratitude
is one of the noblest attitudes a man can possess.
Courage: It takes
courage to be grateful to people who go out of their ways to help you and make
you feel special. All of us as humans have a big ego that we are born with and it
takes grooming and a very good upbringing to break the ego and give importance
to other people’s actions by being grateful to them.
Gratitude is an act of benevolence. It is being generous in saying those two
words, “THANK YOU”. When was the last time you said a thank you to the auto
driver who dropped you safely to work?
Practice: Just
like it takes years to master any art like Yoga or Painting, being grateful is
an art that is developed over the years. It is not something that you will achieve
overnight. Start by saying a note of thanks to your maid when she goes out of
her way at times to get things done for you.
Gratitude is one of
the greatest attitudes that need courage, benevolence and practice to master
Day before yesterday one of my college professor’s had
celebrated her birthday. I had called her in the evening to wish her and she
was elated. She told me that one of her ex-students had come to visit her as a
surprise and how special she had felt about it. She even said that the biggest
happiness to her was how her students remember her and don’t forget to wish
her. As for me, this was the best way I
could be grateful to her for everything she had taught me in college and
for the motivation she continues to give me.
On world Gratitude day,
- I am thankful for my family, my parents, my parents-in-law(my second parents), my husband, my brother, Dhivya(my sis-in-law), Cruz(her husband), all my closest relatives, my cousins who make the world a happy place to live in. I am thankful to God for having given me these people.
- I am thankful for Nitu, my strongest support and for always being there no matter what.
- I am thankful for Jude, who hates me saying thanks to him :P
- I am thankful for Arjun, for the words of advice that mean so much to me.
- I am thankful for Kavitha, Simi, Jocy to whom I endlessly rant and they are always there to hear me out.
- I am thankful for my closest friends Teresa, Roopa, Thomas, Globin and my Think Team back in Pune for being the best always.
- I am thankful for the gang of friends in Mumbai who helped me get accustomed to this city, Khatija, Akin, Neha Gulati and everyone in the gang.
- I am thankful for Sushma Aunty, Jobin and Subin for being a part of my life and for being my extended family.
- I am thankful for Joanna Castro whom I met in Venice and for the lovely conversations that we have even today.
- I am thankful for Geeta maam about whom I had mentioned above.
- I am thankful for Write Tribe members who are ever motivating, who are an inspiration in helping me become a better writer.
- I am thankful for my entire team of #Inspirati – Vidya, Abhyudaya, Vanya, Nikita, Sai, Bindu, Alok and Cifar.
- There are still a number of people whom I would like to be thankful for but the list would go and on.

Thank you- just two words that could
brighten up someone’s day.
Who is the first person you are going to
thank today????
This post is inpired by the prompt at Write Tribe.
This post is inpired by the prompt at Write Tribe.
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