Hola, Hello and welcome to another 10/10 Tuesday Prompts. Hope you all started with a great week yesterday. Embrace the week and I am sure all of you must be gearing up for the Diwali celebrations.

Without rambling any further, let’s acknowledge the entry that did really well in the last week’s prompt. Being our first week at 10/10 Tuesdays, we received 5 entries, which I must say wasn’t disappointing for starters. This week, we are going to grow, share the prompt and gather more people to write for 10/10 Tuesdays.
The prompt that made its way to the top was Shalini’s. Yes, you got it right, she's the One with Brown eyes. Shalini is an IT professional with a zest for blogging and writing. I am a frequent visitor to her blogs and love the way she plays with words. You can visit beautiful Shalini’s blog here.
Here is her prompt that left us stunned. Her poem written is exactly 10 sentences with 10 words each was indeed touching and warm. I take privilege in sharing it here.
This is a reflection of life- on all commitments past,
I’ve suffered torments and tortures which still leave me aghast.
My pride and morals are inundated by scorn and disdain
What is kept as art is relegated to tear apart
I’m searching for answers and is not checking my past,
Nor am I planning any future, as it’s in vain.
Thoughts written down, but I am on the wrong page
Destroyed wishes and dreams become more than mere frustrated rage.
I’m attempting to stay quiet and not making a scene
My lost baby, you will be close to my heart.
Loved it right? We loved to read it too.
All of the other entries did an excellent job and we would like to see your posts every week.
To get started with our second week, the prompt for this Tuesday is “Water”.
When you hear the word Water, what comes to your mind? Water, the source of life can be treacherous at times.
Deepika and I would love to hear your take on this prompt.
Take your pens and start writing. The rules are very simple. You have to pen down 10 sentences which must comprise of 10 words each.
For more on 10/10 Tuesday Prompts, visit here and add your links in the linky below or leave them in the comments section.
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