Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Operation Con-Narco

This post is inspired by the contest, "100 words on Saturday" at Write Tribe

The topic is, "I knew it was my last day there". I managed to weave a story of 100 words that includes the above line. 

Operation Con-Narco

100 Words on Saturday - Write Tribe

Colossal amount of time had passed since I was sent to the enemy land for an imperative mission. Operation Con-Narco was devised to gather information on the barbiturates that were administered to the soldiers of our country to reveal furtive information. Delegated on this mission a month back, I seduced the doctor who was vitally responsible for the research of the drug. With the chemical equation in front of me, I heaved a sigh of relief as I transferred the information on a secured mail. Seconds later I heard the door open, I knew it was my last day there.   

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  1. Wow! That's a fabulous plot! Loved your take on the prompt :)

  2. Loved the way you have weaved the prompt in your story. :)

  3. Thanks you so much Khushboo :)

  4. :) thanks Shilpa. Thanks a ton

  5. Hey you! My Liebster Blog Award Nominee! :D
    I am glad to tell you that , I have nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award on my blog.:)
    Please check out the following link & go through the rules & guidelines for accepting the award.:)


  6. Loved your take on the prompt Cynthia.

  7. Thank you so much Reshma :) I have started to eagerly wait for your comments now :)

  8. Nikhil... Thank you so much for the award....

  9. :) good one. nice take, but somewhere I felt the lack of your usual treatment.

  10. Thanks Leo... And may I know what is the usual treatment you are talking about?

  11. Perhaps you should have been more careful :-P

  12. :P thanks for reading through...
