There I go to flaunt my WOW badge again. A second post at blogadda that became post with the "WOW" factor :)
It was the second last day of school. As always, I parked my bicycle in the stand and ran to my classroom. I threw my bag on the third bench in the last row and ran outside the class to the back gate of my school.
The grass was my refuge whenever my black shoes were filled with mud. I hurriedly rubbed my shoes on the grass to look neat and tidy.
“I hope my ribbons are in place”, I murmured to myself and adjusted the ribbons tied on my hair. He would be here in no time and my lips will unknowingly broaden to flash a radiating smile which would make my eyes jealous and they would widen up in excitement.
Just two more days and we would part ways. I may never meet him again.
I don’t know if I would be able to tell him how much I liked him.
There was a deep anxiety inside and I didn't know what this feeling was as I was very young.
“It’s just infatuation, Suzanne”, My elder sister had warned me.
With a million confusions at the age of 14 I was unsure if my hormones were changing and playing cynical notes of symphony in my heart.
“Suzzane….. “
“Suzanne……………….” I felt a hand on my shoulders trying to wake me up from a dream. Startled by the voice, I turned.
It was him, he was standing in front of me in body and spirit......... and my mind and soul had suddenly stopped functioning making me search for words....
“Rishab….hmmmm…. ahem…”
Unknowingly, I waved him a “hi” although he stood just a feet away.
“Suzanne, It’s our second last day at school and we still haven’t exchanged our phone numbers. Can I have your number?” he casually asked me.
“Of course, give me a paper I will write it for you” , He pulled out a paper from his book and gave it to me. I hastily penned my phone number with a broad smile on my face.
School got over and within a month, Rishab had called me twice on my phone.
Daddy had got transferred and we were moving out of Guwahati to Delhi.
Sheena, my sister was excited as we were going to live in the capital city of India. Everyone at home were elated, but I sat in the corner waiting for everyone to leave me alone for sometime so I could pick up the phone and dial Rishab’s number to inform him that I would be leaving the city soon.
It was the 31st of May 2003, a hot summer day when Daddy, mummy, Sheena and I left out of our two bedroom apartment on Lokhra road in Guwahati.
We crossed our school and I screamed, “Daddy wait, please stop the car”
To everyone’s surprise I ran out of the car in speed and went straight to the third gate.
I wanted to see him once before I could go, but he wasn’t there. He had called me earlier that day to say that he would wait at school for me.
"Where was he? "
“Maybe he never felt the way I felt for him”
“I was such a fool to be crazy for him”
I sat on the grass and sobbed till Sheena convinced me to get into the car. Mummy and Daddy thought that I was going to miss school.
Years passed and after that summer's day, I had never tried to contact Rishab. Life had changed and I had begun to move on. Maybe I was angry that he didn't turn up that day or maybe I was ashamed that I was such a fool to be mad for someone who didn't deserve my affection.
8 years later I was invited for a reunion party at school in Guwahati. On having convinced mom and dad I left for Guwahati.
Although I had decided that I would never step into my school again, I deeply wanted to go for the reunion because of a very obvious reason.
The school hall was decorated and I caught a glimpse of all the familiar faces. As I slowly began greeting everyone, the blood started racing in my arteries because in no time I would be greeting Rishab.
My eyes kept glaring at the door.Half an hour had passed and eventually I had begun to loose hope. The next few minutes were lost in the visions from the past until something unexpected happened.
"Looking out for me?" A familiar voice reached my ears. Rishab stood behind me in a black blazer and looked stunning as ever.
I tried not to reveal my excitement on seeing him. I didn't want to be fooled again. But to my surprise he leaned forward to give me a light hug.
On asking the waiter to prepare a drink for him, he held out a glass of coke. "There's too much of commotion here. Come with me" He pulled my hand and led me towards the back gate of our school. I was truly awed.
"You look beautiful, Suzzy", He said with a softness in his voice.
"And you look dashing Rishab...." I paused and said, "As always !!!"
We spoke about work and I got to know that he was working as a software engineer in Australia. He suddenly deviated from the topic and began talking about the days we spent in school.
"I am sorry Suzzane, I couldn't make it that day when you left Guwahati" He began to answer me the question I dared to ask him.
"I was helpless" He said with pitiful eyes."I had slipped from my cycle that day while coming to meet you and fractured my right leg. I couldn't even contact you later as I didn't have your phone number."
His eyes gleamed intensely as he tried to justify destiny that had torn us apart on that summer's day. I looked into his eyes and in a minute forgot all the anger that was buried deep inside.
"I had a confession to make Suzzane" he came closer to me just an inch away and said, "I had a mad crush on you when we were in school, I just didn't have the guts to tell you. I would wait to see you every morning near this gate"
Had cupid actually struck him? As I couldn't believe my ears. Was it a dream? My heart began to play a million romantic bollywood numbers.
That evening I confessed about the feelings that I had for him in school. We spoke ignoring all of the other classmates. It was actually a reunion of two hearts who were separated by time.
He dropped me at my hotel and I stepped out of the car.
"Yes Rishab" I turned to hear him.
"Will you be free tomorrow morning before you take your flight back home?"
"Yes I would make myself free Rishab"
I waved him a bye, turned 180 degrees and I blushed thinking that he had actually asked me out.
The stars sparkled above me and the moon smiled as I blushed reminiscing every single minute of the day.
Wondering what would happen the next day I fought with my pillows trying hard to cross the sleepless night and meet him again
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
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