If you have watched the movie, "If Only", then you wouldn't have missed out the second last scene of the movie where the hero gifts the heroine a Charm bracelet at dinner. I had watched the movie ay 6 years back and ever since then, I had developed a craze for Charm bracelets.
According to tradition Charm bracelets are generally worn to ward off any kind of evil. But later it turned out to be an accessory and fashion jewelry.
I chose the later and wanted to own one. After having spent years in searching for one in India, I gave up. A few months later my cousin who had moved to the USA (who knew about my craze), found a website where you could choose “Charms” of your choice and make a charm bracelet on your own by ordering on the website.
What followed next was choosing the charms, and ordering a sterling silver simple bracelet to hang the charms. My cousin ordered it online and got it delivered to his address and later sent to me as a gift. This is how my Charm Bracelet looks.
The Charms that we selected are below. Every Charm relates to me in some way or the other Here’s my explanation for every charm, on my bracelet:
1. Moon – The meaning of my name, “Cynthia”, originated from the name of a Greek moon Goddess who lived on the mountain Kynthos.
2. Cousin – This was for my Cousin, who gifted it to me .
3. I love to Blog – This is self-explanatory.
4. Cross – This depicts my love for Christ.
5. Peace Angel – I believe that a guardian angel exists for each of us.
6. Princess Crown - I am the a princess to my parents.
7. I love to shop - My love for shopping. I think that's every girl's love.
8. Mother - Chinese symbol for Mother
How did you like my bracelet? Let me know your comments.
And you can refer to these websites if you want to create a bracelet of your own.
According to tradition Charm bracelets are generally worn to ward off any kind of evil. But later it turned out to be an accessory and fashion jewelry.
I chose the later and wanted to own one. After having spent years in searching for one in India, I gave up. A few months later my cousin who had moved to the USA (who knew about my craze), found a website where you could choose “Charms” of your choice and make a charm bracelet on your own by ordering on the website.
What followed next was choosing the charms, and ordering a sterling silver simple bracelet to hang the charms. My cousin ordered it online and got it delivered to his address and later sent to me as a gift. This is how my Charm Bracelet looks.
The Charms that we selected are below. Every Charm relates to me in some way or the other Here’s my explanation for every charm, on my bracelet:
And you can refer to these websites if you want to create a bracelet of your own.
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