Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Dandiya time #Navratri

India is considered to be a land of varied cultures, traditions, religions and heritage. Every Indian takes pride in stating that we that live in a country that respects everyone’s sentiments. Muslims,  Hindus, Christians,  Parsis, Jews,  Buddhists are alike and we live in apartments where one neighbor would be of a different religion and the other of another. Inspite of being a Christian, I light Diyas(lamps) outside my home every Diwali. For me Diwali is a festival of lights. I love the way every house is decorated with lamps on every nook and corner.

The reason why I began writing about the unity is diversity was because of a recent festival I participated in, last Saturday. It was my Mom’s birthday on Friday and invariantly I just needed a reason to go to my mother’s place in Pune. Mumbai(Where I live in) is just a 3 and a half hour drive to Pune which makes it all the more easier. My Husband and I drove down on Friday night to spend the evening with my mother and make her feel special.

She had informed me of a Dandiya Night that was supposed to be hosted in our society for which she had been practicing since a week. I was excited as it had been years since I had played Dandiya.
Dressed in my best attire, I joined the platoon that was dressed in bright coloured ghagra cholis. 

The show lasted for around two and a half hours and by the end of it I was exhausted. There were prizes for different age groups and those who were best dressed and danced the best were awarded. It was a public gathering and all of them were equally elated.

As I went back to sleep that day with soared feet, I thought of the evening. The way the festival had brought together people of different age groups under one single roof was marvelous. It was just another break from the monotonous life that we live in. Such kind of social gatherings and events attract people and this is something that keeps our country united. I felt proud. Isn't it great how people join hands to celebrate festivals? 

My Mom and Me.
 Copyright +Cynthia Vincent 

As for me, as the dandiya season is about to get over, I can’t wait for it to arrive next year.

I am a Write Tribe ProBlogger with a commitment to myself to write as frequently as I can.

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