Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Peace-d place !! #Happy

Yesterday was Sunday and the best part of it was that I spent it in the city I love the most, "Pune". It's where my parents live and also the place where I lived most of my life in. 

There is such a nostalgic feeling when I go to this city. I feel warm. I feel subtle. I feel complete right from the time I step my foot into the city. There is an aura that engulfs me and brings back all the memories.

But there is something more beautiful about this place. It's the home where I grew up. Specifically, the BALCONY. The hall in our house has an attached balcony and this is that one place that has actually seen me grow over the years.

It has seen me cry, it has seen me shout in happiness and it has seen me stand quietly and ponder. There have been times I have stood there doing nothing at all.

I remember sleeping in the balcony with my brother as a kid during the summer seasons. It was mesmerizing to watch the stars twinkling above. 

Whenever my relatives were home, we would play Antakshari(Sing song game) while sitting in the balcony.

There were times I would walk up and down in my balcony before my exams. It has seen my memorizing just days before the semesters. I have seen the sun go down literally everyday by standing here.  There has never been the need to go to a hill station to watch the sunset.

When I was completing my very first novella (Which is due to be published soon), this was my shelter during the early mornings and the late nights. It was my secluded place that had so much of positivity in it.

It was at this very place where I had spoken to my husband over the phone for the very first time. Our conversation had last for around 90 minutes. To this day, this has been a mystery.

Even today, whenever I go home, this is that place that defines “Peace” for me. Whenever, I visit my parents, I stand in the balcony for some time. It rejuvenates me and energizes me.

Which is that one place where you find solace and peace? I would love to know. 


I am a Write Tribe ProBlogger with a commitment to write as frequently as I can.

There is something new coming up on my blog. It's going to start from tomorrow. Why not have a look at what it is? Here is the link

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